Laser Lens Recommendations

My experience with lenses is not much, However I do realize that the protective coating is important. I have a 150 watt tube, and have determined that the lens I have has been slightly scorched. I plan to purchase a few lenses and I don’t want to wind up with a cheap lens, even if I pay more for it. So, the request is for quality recommendations. I know Amazon has a variety, but I don’t know quality brands when I see them. I’d love to get some names and a brief reason they are your recommendation.

Thank you.

This is very good overview to help with understanding the subject matter, but not brand specific as you are asking.


Does anyone have any comments on the lenses that Cloudray supplies?

I buy the ii-vi infrared lenses that cloudray sells. Best lenses I have found so far.


Good tip, GOM. I didn’t realize they were selling those lenses.

I see they have a lens and mirror kit, but no lens only option… would you say the mirrors are important for this type of configuration?

I am also looking for lens and mirror recommendations. I can’t find any references to ‘ii-vi infrared’ on the cloudray site. Would you mind posting a link?

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Here you go.

They have them listed as OEM under the cloudray brand, and as ii-vi branded in the same listing. They are all made by ii-vi however.