Laser Master 3 not working (there's no laser firing) (after update?)

Hi all,

I did not use my Laser Master 3 for about 3 months, so I ran the LightBurn update, but now the laser is doing… nothing. I am unsure if it’s because of a hardware problem, or because of the update. It seems all is working and responding fine, but there’s just no laser beam:

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Thank you!

(some laser engravings are visible, but they’re from previous tests)

Please post a screenshot of your entire Lightburn screen with the Cuts/Layers Panel and Laser Panel visible. Also post a screenshot of the Settings Window (Gears icon) with the Units and Grids tab visible and post a screenshot of the Device Settings Window (Wrench and Screwdriver icon).

Hi Tim,

Thank you for the quick response! Here are the requested screenshots:

In the console, type $$ and hit enter. Look for the value of $30. It will probably be 1,000, but may be something else. If it’s anything other than 255, go to device settings and change s-value max to match the $30 setting.

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I just noticed you’re using GRBL-m3. That is probably incorrect. Unless this is a very old machine you should change it to just plain GRBL.

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That value is 1000.000; I reckon that means “1000”, right?

No, indeed, it’s a 1 year-old LaserMaster 3. But I seem unable to change that (GRBL-M3 is the only option showing).

Correct, but do the following first.

In your laser window click the devices button. Select your laser from the device list and click edit. You should be able to change it there.

I will check on that tomorrow morning :+1:

Notice your Gree light is off now, so this means no PWM signal

Check your cables, unplug and replug to check any bent pin

Specially check the Motherboard plug if it start to pull the white female port back out of the frame.

Hello in the association. Today I did a Lightburn software update to 1.7.02, after turning on the machine it went to the home position and since then the software does not communicate with the engraver (Ortur laser master 3), when I put edit in the menu and the device settings it says only communication with the controller failed . Does anyone know how to deal with this? I tried restarting the machine, I tried to go back to version 1.7.01, nothing helped

Hi Tim, it only sees the one already showing:

When I use “Find My Laser” it doesn’t show anything:

Unsure if this has to do with my problem?

The S-value max is 255.

Hi Gil, thanks for your input. No green light, correct. I checked all the connectors, all seems fine and no bent pins.

PROBLEM FOUND: I just noticed the cable to the laser head wasn’t directed fully upward. Something must’ve hit it during storage and slightly bent it. I set the laser to work, played with the cable, and the green light came back on…

Big thanks to everybody trying to help. I’m going to figure out if I need a new cable or whether I can fix it with some tape (to keep it in the upright position).

Thank you!

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