Laser module reprogram

I have been using a NEJE Master 2S Max, with the N40630 module… It is not producing anywhere near rapidly enough…
I have purchased the A40640 module, which seems to be nearly the same, however it is the A, as opposed to the N, so it’s a square laser, instead of a dot, and it’s a dual, rather than single…
Will I have to modify my programming dramatically to accommodate the square laser? The dual laser? Or will it mostly just be adjusting the etch/cut speeds that I have set?

So you have a decent idea of what I’m doing, I am etching and cutting 3mm birch plywood for game pieces for a board game that I make…

This shouldn’t have a dramatic or any effect on your designs but you’ll certainly need to recalibrate for speed/power and also perhaps line interval since the shape and size of the laser beam is different. Every module will have slighty different characteristics in that regard.

Make sure that your controller and power supply are capable of providing the necessary current to the module. Or route a separate feed to just the module. You may be decreased performance or controller shutdowns if you’re not able to supply sufficient current.

Copy on the power issues… I am actually a licensed electrician, so that makes perfect sense…

Please forgive my ignorance, but when you say line interval, to what are you referring? I’m very new to this end of laser usage…

Line interval is the distance between scan/bur lines. Think of it as basically resolution of burn. It is also represented in DPI.

With the move to a different shaped focal point and potentially dot size you mean need to adjust that interval to optimize for quality.

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