Laser noob fresh outta the can

Expecting a laser any day and have decided to use lightburn. My workdesk is in the house and I use a usb to move files to my garage. My question is…

Does lightburn need to be connected to the laser? Or can I just have it on my computer in the house, and load files on usb? Also, does it lightburn need an active internet connection while running? Trying to prep the workspace and deciding if I need to buy a dedicated laptop. TIA

You can use that workflow.

No, Lightburn does not need an internet connection to work, only to register the license and to get updates obviously.

Great news! Thank you. Diving in to tutorials now. You can expect some really dumb questions soon. :crazy_face:

You are off to a good start. The community lives to help newbies get started. Your success becomes our success!

Welcome to the family…there is no escape :innocent:

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I love dumb questions, gives me opportunity to give dumb answers. :smirk:
But seriously, if you’re wanting to learn there are no dumb questions. Well, maybe some are dumb.

hold my beer

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