I have a X-Tool D1 Pro and am attempting to engrave some metal blanks. All is fine but as the head moves from left to right the imprint gets lighter and lighter and in some instances the laser does not appear to fire. I can see the bright light when the laser fires but as it moves to the right the color changes slowly to red and the imprint becomes lighter and lighter. Been trying to read up and find a solution, but so far no luck. Could I get some advice on what to look for to get this fixed?
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Hi, I was having the kind of the same issue. Only the fading was on the beginning and the end for me. What I did to solve this is to enable the “Overscanning” in the layers setting, I ended up with putting it on 5%. (I also reduced the speed by half and power accordingly but that alone did not fix it).
Im only a beginner so I have no idea if this will help you with your problem, but hope it does.