Laser not working when rotary enabled

Hello all, I’m having a issue when my rotary is enabled. All I get from my fiber laser is a quick flash and a puff of smoke. Basically a dot and it stops but lightburn is running on screen like nothing is wrong. When I uncheck rotary the laser runs perfectly. When I check rotary all I get is a flash. I emailed the laser manufacture and asked them and they feel it’s a Lightburn issue or a computer issue (of course). Anyone one else ever experience this? I have tried shutting down Lightburn and restarting the computer and laser. I’m running a older PC with updated windows 10 and the latest version of Lightburn 1.4. The laser is a Noua fiber laser with a 50w Raycus source. I’m coming from a diode laser and only got this fiber a few weeks ago and have zero rotary experience. I wanted to ask before I spend money on another PC. I’m a newbie so any tidbits of info would be super helpful. Thanks in advance! ~Rich

Hi Richard… welcome aboard…

My rotary came with my M60 fiber from Cloud ray and they didn’t set the rotary up as they should have.

  1. Did you get the rotary with the machine?
  2. Is the steps/rotation in the gui correct?
  3. what type rotary, chuck or roller?
  4. does the rotary work correctly with the test button?


This is this the evidence of the problem?

Can you explain in more detail what a flash is and it’s origin… I assume it’s the fiber firing???

For some reason I was thinking the rotary wasn’t working…


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