Laser only cutting through top and bottom

I’m having a strange issue with the cut pass. The top and bottoms are cutting through fine however the sides only cut part way through. The “frame” is set to line, 6 passes 45%@700mm/sec.

Any suggestions on why this may be happening? I’m new to LB but it’s a superior product (except it doesn’t support my rotary but I digress)

That seems extremely aggressive for a diode laser. Perhaps it’s really 700 mm/min, which may still be too fast.

Most diode lasers have a rectangular “spot” at the focal plane, typically wider than it is tall. If yours is like that, then:

  • Lines parallel to the X axis (left-right) cut faster
  • Lines parallel to the Y axis (front-back) cut slower

The only solutions:

  • More power
  • Less speed
  • More passes

Each choice has its own tradeoffs that you’ll discover as you try them out.

Is there a way to have LB step down z every other pass? Right now it’s set to .05mm per pass which seems great on X cut.

Indeed, although it requires some careful attention to detail:

With that set up, the layer settings come into play:

Would I have to use a sublayer? the border/cut is one solid rectangle (with curves). It’s a 10W laser so 700-800mm/sec at 40% really isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Slower/higher causes smoke/burn areas even with my air assist maxed.

I’m going to try a run with 10 passes and a .02 stepdown as I have no real way to know how much material is being removed. It may be going out of focal range by stepping down too fast for the Y cuts.

Although it’s a different beast, my 60 W CO₂ laser tops out at 500 mm/s. Diode lasers, regardless of power, generally don’t exceed 12,000 mm/min = 200 mm/s.

Which is why I think there’s some units confusion going on.

FWIW, you can command pretty nearly any speed you like, but the laser won’t go any faster than the controller’s maximum speeds, which GRBL controller store in $110 - $112 (in mm/min!).

Tradeoffs! Tradeoffs everywhere!

If you haven’t already run a material test on whatever you’re cutting, that will give you a better idea of what’s feasible.

The amount of material removed per pass isn’t constant, because it depends on many variables: focus / smoke / char / ash / whatever. Basically, applying enough power during a sufficient number of passes to cut all the way through (and then some) is the only way to be sure.

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