Laser Panel Power Settings vs Lightburn Power (Mini Gerbil v3)

Hi people.

I recently bought a 2nd hand Ten-High GY430 40W CO2 Laser (similar to a K40 but a bit bigger bed). I also decided to get a Mini Gerbil so I could use it with Lightburn. Which is much much easier to control than K40 Whispererer.

I’ve only had it setup for a few days and it all appears to be working correctly and today I’ve decided to knuckle down and start creating my own basic materials database. But I’m a bit confused and have a few questions about power settings.

I have the power setting on the Laser panel set to 60%. Does this “hard” setting have any effect in Lightburn? Does the Mini Gerbil controller override the power setting at the hardware panel?

For instance, when I set the power in LB to 50%, is that 50% of my hard setting 60%, which ends up being 30%? In any case, it appears that going any higher than 50% power in LB has little effect on cutting (it’s possibly even worse).

I have done some reading but I’m still confused. I could do some more trial & error testing but my room is getting a bit smoked out and thought I might get some answers quicker if I posted here.

FWIW, at this point the laser will cut through 3mm MDF at 50% power running a 5mm per second. Seems to be the best I can get at this point.

Your thoughts much appreciated.

All good.

I just tested and turned down the power on the hardware panel to zero, and it cuts exactly the same.

My apologies for not testing in this simple way earlier, but I’ve got a few other unresolved issues that I’m working through at the same time.

There will be many many pointless and possibly stupid questions to come, as I go down this path. In fact, I’m sure of it. :slight_smile:


I don’t have a K40 type but I do read and have discussions with owners of these machines.

My understanding is that the ‘pot’ controls the analog voltage to the lps IN. I would think that the Lightburn percentage would be based on what the analog IN voltage is.

Mine is a Ruida and works a little different, but same results…

Some of the other users may be better at explaining what’s going on.

But I would wonder why that “doesn’t do anything”…


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All good. Thanks Jack for your input ideas.

I think the K40 has a pot (potentiometer) that controls the power. My machine has a keyboard type input device. + or - keys adjust it.

However, after installing the mini gerbil, most of the controls on the physical panel are defunct.

That’s cool. That’s fine. All good. Gotta get my mind and brain around the way it works.

The software controls it now. I need to calm down, and think about it, carefully. Amazing tools.

It took me a long time to learn I needed to ‘just stop’ when I got frustrated or tired.

Many times it pays off to go get a cup of coffee and relax. You brain will be running through solutions in the background …

Is the output of that power display connected to anything?

Very curious how the conversion was done and how it’s wired to the lps.

I’m glad you figured it out…

Take care


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The output of the display is not now connected to anything. But it is controlled via LB. That is great for me. I don’t want to understand too much. I just want to get on with my ideas using this tool. Amazing.

Then don’t expect to do ‘too much’

Have fun…


I don’t expect too much. I’m just trying to work out the limitations. Then I will go from there.

I’m sure you’ll have fun, we all do.

The more you know of how this works, the easier it is to get what you want.


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Too much farkelberry juice at this point in time. Catcha later.

Just for the record this is my machine:

What I find amusing is that nice little panel does nothing anymore except to turn on the power to the laser. :slight_smile:

Also, where it shows “Current Indication” was a complete load of bollocks - it displays a percentage, not milliamps.

Nice looking machine.

Don’t get excited by the Chinese documentation or descriptions. Whatever sounds good they use.

Good luck


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