Laser parameter grayscale matrix

So… 180 dpi 175mm/s 20% power. Wow I think it looks great.


That looks much better!

Yes. Now on to mirrors and clear glass.

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180 dpi seems to be the sweet spot for my laser. I did a test on some white aluminum and it turned out even better then the wood. Would I use 180dpi for all my work then?

You can play with it a little, and it may vary a bit on different materials, but ultimately the limit is the size of the smallest spot your laser will make on a given material. Bigger tubes have a bigger spot size - my 100w is close to 0.2mm (130dpi to 150dpi) so yours sounds about right.

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Ok… that is great info. I think that will help me get these things dialed in.

You did so good with that photo information. Do you have any setting suggestions for a 40 watt blue and white machine?

Jason, did you use Jarvis or grayscale on that photo?

I used the built in Jarvis settings.

I would try similar settings maybe a bit less speed for a 40watt

thank you for the information. I’ll try it out later.

Just wondering… Did you process the picture all in LightBurn or did you use another program and then put in LB?

I adjusted brightness/contrast, levels, and sizing in photoshop. I let light burn do the dithering.