Laser pause like losing power and then restart off track

Hi, i’m new on the forum but not with laser.
I’ve got a sculpfun s9 heavely modified, with mks dlc32 running on fluidNC, and a k40 laser tree module.
The problem is strange, when engraving the laser stop at random, with the laser emitting but a lowest power, and then restarting, like it can’t keep up with the command? It happen with offline working from the motherboard or with the command sent with usb from lightburn likewise.
I tried different cable, changing hz of the usb, but the problem don’t change.
I’m engraving at 3500 mm/m, it do a great work until the problem show.
I’m out of ideas, someone can guess the problem?
I can make a video of it if it can help.
Thanks guys

Most likely, the power supply is now inadequate for all the added / changed hardware, so voltage drops under load and eventually resets the controller.

As a rule of thumb, get a power supply with twice the current rating of whatever is now on the machine.


No, I’ve got a 20A 24V power supply, and the controller don’t reset, just stop, emitting low energy laser, and then continue the work, sometime in the right way, sometime like has lost the position

Now we both know! :grin:

That rules out the usual USB communication problems.

That is possible, particularly for images with high DPI settings.

Upload an offending *lbrn2` file so we can take a look at the settings …

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