Laser pauses while engraving and then resume off track

Hi, I have two Ortur LM2 laser engravers, 80w laser diode. My laser recently started pausing while doing a cut, but when it resumes, it is off course and out of position. I did not hit the pause button, it just did it while running. The software has ruined four pieces of wood.

Can anyone tell me what is happening?

Hello Sue,

What you are suggesting sounds as a bad power source.

How are you powering that “80w” laser - assuming is a true 10W?

What Firmware version?

That might be the issue. I bought a replacement for my Ortur LM2 laser engraver, the first diode the wire burnt out. This one the seller said it would work on my system. I have not updated the firmware, so it is what ever came with the Ortur LM2 laser.

The replacement laser is laser Module with Air Assist, 80W Laser Engraving Cutting Module for Wood,10W Output Power, Fixed-Focus

link to the laser on amazon:

Is too much power for the default adapter

you have a 12v 3amps power adapter, you would need at least 12v 5 or 6 amps minimum.

ok, so would a new power supply work? If so, do you know what type I need and where I can get it?

Thank you so much for the help!! :slight_smile:

You can validate this by testing in this manner

a) Runn the very same job that has been failing at 10% maybe - or lower
b) monitor the movements for any hiccups or pauses

If none are present I would be quite convinced the issue is the power adapter.

As per which to buy - bit tricky to recommend without knowing your location but anything like this “should” work:

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The problem that occurs when you upgrade the laser module, is the controllers copper traces are not large enough to handle the current to the new laser module.

Did you get this board with it? You’ll probably need it.



The looks like the top of the laser.

I’ve ordered a new power supply, I am hoping that will do the trick. :slight_smile:

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It’s usually a separate board… as you may not need it.


Ok, but I did get a board with the power with the new module. :slight_smile:

Use the supplied board with the larger supply. Usually these use the original and the higher wattage supplies together. The original runs the controller and motors the other only for the new module.


Unfortunately I have been using the supplied board with the same issues. I believe it is more to do with the wrong size power supply.

We bought a new power supply, when that is appropriate for the size of laser and this fixed our pausing and then resuming offline track issue. :smile:

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Great news!

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