Laser Pecker 4 - lasers were working with Lightburn and firmware 6.5.3, but no more!

Hey all,

After months of painfully getting my Laser Pecker 4 working with Lightburn (their problem, not Lightburns!) I took a break because of work. On return, I found firmware v6.5.5 released - compatibility improvements with Lightburn, they touted! You beauty!

So I eagerly updated the firmware of the LP4, then cleared and downloaded the new Lightburn profiles… only to find that they don’t work. Now my laser’s won’t fire at all - when firing the 450nm, a blue “glow” comes on, but the beam is nowhere to be seen. I can’t preview, engrave or cut. When selecting the 1064nm… no glow is noticeable (haven’t bothered pulling out an IR camera to look) but certainly there’s no evidence of engraving after running a job.

I’ve tried running the laser design/control software from a different device (iPhone via Bluetooth, as well as MacBook Pro (M2) via USB). I’ve also tried controlling the LP4 via the LP Design Space, but the same thing occurs.

I’ve tried downgrading firmware back to 6.5.3, but the problems persist.

I’m guessing the laser isn’t getting sufficient power, has homed to some well and truly random spot, or the galvo servo’s are cooked … pretty frustrating, given I waited over a year to get “Lightburn support” from the manufacturer, despite it being advertised on launch, only for that firmware updated to absolutely whiff any progress I’d made ><

Anyway, I’m not just venting for cartharsis; has anyone else had similar problems? Any known fixes out there?

This seems to be more of a mechanical issue than a software one.
I am not familiar with LP4 hardware, but i know a lot of users encounter similar issues on the Xtool F1, and the issue is the main lens comes undone, throwing all focus off.

Could you do a review on your hardware - and or - run with native software to be certain the problem is or not software?

I think the chances of a hardware failure at the same time you do a firmware update is unlikely.

This smells of firmware… I’d think restoring it to the previous version should be OK… wonder if they changed things when the other firmware loaded…

@Aestabjoo … Sorry to hear the upgrade failed. :poop:


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