Laser power does not increase using lightburn but is ok with Neje's own software. Neje neje-master-2s a40640

Interesting. Looks like they went from a 2 MCU solution to a single MCU. And at the same time split out the connectors.

I wonder if M8 is meant to be used for air assist.

Just had a look at the website, and it looks like your right it is for air

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I’m having a similar issue. My Neje 3 Max (A40640) Won’t fire on. I measure output at the PWM terminal on my GRBL 1.1h board and it reads 0.14V for a 2.00% setting. I have 2 boards, one with a red LCD display and another without. Both will test fire the laser just fine but doesn’t seem to work in TTL mode. I used an arudino once and got the laser to fire in TTL mode. This is upgrading a machine’s diode laser so I have 2 control boards. THe origianl (non Neje) and another option is the Arduino Uno with CNC Shield v3.


I think I have solved the mystery of no laser power with the NEJE Master 2S. I have one g-code file that will burn every time and the rest won’t. G-Code files ending in the .gc extent will not adjust the laser power and never burn. Files ending in the .nc extent are laser cutter specific G-Code files and seem to work fine. In Lightburn, when I generate G-Code from an image file, it creates a .gc style file which of course will not burn. So my question is how do I get Lightburn to generate a .nc laser cutter specific G-Code file?
Bob Burner