Hi, i have tried searching the this page and google for a solution to this problem but i have not found one yet. i am trying to fun lightburn on windows 10 for my Neje neje-master-2s a40640.
The laser stays in lower power mode without marking anything. i have exported the g code and ran it through the Neje application and it burns fine. does anyone have any suggestions that might help. I have checked the machine settings and Device settings $31 and $32 both have the same values.
any help would be appreciated. I have spent all day looking for a solution. i have updated both the GRBL and Neje board firmware.
Go to Edit > Device Settings in LightBurn. What is the ‘S-value max’ parameter set to (on the lower right side of that window). If it’s not 1000, change it to that.
Then I honestly have no idea why it would not be working. The NEJE application sends commands through their custom chip and firmware, not the GRBL firmware chip, and in nearly every machine I’ve seen of theirs, they’ve somehow broken various parts of GRBL, typically the laser mode option, often the ability to store settings, and so on.
It’s happened often enough that I suspect it’s intentional, but I can’t say. It’s extremely frustrating that they claim GRBL support but it’s always broken.
Ok thank you for looking into this, if it is ok can we keep this thread open for a couple of days to see if anyone else has a potential solution for this. I will email Neje as if it doesn’t work with LightBurn i would prefer not to have it, and i will see if they can offer a solution.
I can confirm that the speed and power I listed are correct.
I have tried plywood and card and neither are marked by this. The laser simply just does not increase in intensity.
I have updated the firmware for both GRBL and NEJE board from the site you have listed. I am running firmware 8.8.
I have just ran through the steps listed for testing LaserGRBL at the links you sent, the command M3 G1 F100 S100 failed to increase the intensity of the laser to 10 percent, and did not mark paper.
The test pattern file also ran and completed the movements however did so without making the laser change intensity or marking the paper below it.
I then carried out a test with Neje’s own app that does not use GRBL and that started to cook plywood nicely at 10%.
Thank you for the suggestion but it didn’t work out. If LaserGRBL does not work then I guess problem with board or the firmware on it?
I shot an email to Neje this evening. I will post there reply if I receive one. Equally I am open to more suggestions from you or anyone if they have them.
Sounds like it. I want to say that I’ve heard of others have lower power on Neje GRBL. Can’t remember if there was a clean resolution in those cases. I want to say it required a replacement. But this would have been last year or earlier this year I think.
Yes it is, I have been reading around on the internet about similar issues but a lot of the threads kind of just stop without a resolution getting posted. if its a board issue it not great but if it is, as long as Neje replace it asap then i will be happy.
Just an update to this I emailed Neje support and they asked me to post this on there support forum. I was quite happy with how quickly they replied.
Neje staff on the forum have said that the Board appears to be faulty and they are sending a replacement from China.
So I will have to wait a while i guess. but if fixes the issue it will be worth it.
I will post an update once the new board arrives, I hope it works as I can’t wait to start making things.
Nice. I had thought they would have worked through those bad boards earlier. I had understood it as a batch of bad boards. Maybe there are still some in inventory out in the wild.
I also had same issue with Lightburn and Neje laser. The only way I was able to resolve was to contact them, send them the video of Lightburn setting and when you send the command to fire laser, so that they can see what is happening. In the end they send me the new control board and it worked thereafter.
Hopefully the replacement will arrive Saturday. I can’t wait to actually make something.
The Neje software is super basic so it’s been a frustrating wait so far.
Hi finally the replacement board arrived in the post today.
Initial impressions were not great, it was labelled Neje 3 plus and came with no instructions despite having a different layout to the original.
I had to cut down the plastic back plate and also trim excess solder/metal from the usb connector on the board to get it to fit without obstructing the end stop.
However I am happy to say that LightBurn worked straight away with the laser without any further troubleshooting.
I have only had time for a test card today, but the learning has begun
Thank you @LightBurn Oz and @berainlb PY For your suggestions, as I listed these steps to Neje when I messaged them about what I had done so far to try to fix the problem. I think this led them to recognise straight away that it was one of there defective boards.
Yeah too bad, the plastic that needing trimming was a result of the addition connectors on the board, the Neje 2 plus 2.0 board only had them on one side but there are extra connectors on the Neje 3 plus board which the original didn’t have, I am hoping though that extra solder and untrimmed metal legs are only cosmetic.
Neje claim to stand by there product for a minimum of two years. Time will tell.