Laser settings for slate coasteres

I am new to laser engraving. I have a longer Ray5 20 watt. Does anyone have tips on what settings work best on slate with a 20 watt laser that will produce a clean bright engrave.

we discussed the performance of 20 W lasers here …
but always do a material test, This way you waste much less material than with trial and error … honestly!

Another good solution is to first follow the manufacturer’s recommendations (= x), which are usually too optimistic, and then carry out the material test from x minus 50% to x plus 50%.


I did a material test, not happy with the look. Comes out dark not light like I want and have seen

Did you invert your image? I recommend Benmaker’s great tutorial on YouTube, with his R image solution

The results apparently depend on how the slate reacts to the laser energy, which depends on what kind of slate it is, which is unknowable before you try it:

seriously! people help here, there are those who know, those who think they know and those who know nothing!
The solution has been described! Always do tests regardless of the materials.
the slate is black in 90% of cases, rarely gray, if we engrave as is the pattern will be white (+/- gray depends on the test) on a black background. Otherwise it is possible that an incorrect setting is the cause. There is a professional on YouTube, it’s Benmaker second time I say it but if we don’t take the trouble to understand.
So I post the link, I do the work…

His work is top of the top? so listen to him…