Laser starts again after completion and lasers strangely xTool S1

Good evening. We still use the xTool S1 and are overall very satisfied. Unfortunately, we have recently had the problem that after the job is finished, the laser starts again by itself and with an offset. It has also happened that the laser starts again without activating the laser beam. Can you maybe help with that?

There are always strange symbols in the console.

Could you attach a copy of your .lbrn2 project here, so we can take a closer look?

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Tasse Ease Fehlergravur.lbrn2 (90,9 KB)
Tasse Ease Schablone Vorlage.lbrn2 (79,2 KB)

Das sind zwei der Datein, die sich anders verhalten als sie sollten. Bisher ist mir das Problem nur beim Rotary aufgefallen.

Tasse Ease Fehlergravur2.lbrn2 (82,5 KB)