Laser still won't cut more then piece at a time

If the project is on whole piece it will make the cut,but if it has to turn off to move to a different position and start cutting there it won’t come back on ,but it will keep running like it is. It doesn’t matter if its a DXF SVG or one I design myself. If there are multiple cuts and it has to pick up and change positions it won’t come back on.

Give a better chance to help you. Post you project file (best option). At least give us screen shots and photos of the computer screen and they happens.

Our crystal ball is broken. We can’t help you without more information.

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All it will do is go to the first image on the right cut out the inside diamond looking design to the bottom far left. Then turn off like its moving to the next part to cut out. The laser won’t come back on but the laser head will keep running the program.

Is your controller definitely running GRBL 1.1e or earlier? If not, try changing the device to standard GRBL.

-Click “Devices” in the “Laser” window
-Double click your laser in the list
-Change the selected device from “GRBL-M3” to “GRBL”
-click next until you’re done

Another possibility is that you may need to enable “Emit S value with every G1 command” in the “GCode” tab of the “Device Settings” window.

Thank you so much for replying I will give these a shot and let you know how it goes and thanks again.

Tyler that worked. I change the Emit S value and it started making multi cuts in one project thank you again for the help.

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