Laser stopping for every cut instead of cutting in 1 continuous line

laser is stopping at every cut then firing instead of firing on the move so as you can see a 1 hour and 22min job is taking roughly 10 hours ??? what did i do lol

What do you mean by stopping at every cut?

By the way, the Preview time is not a guarantee of execution time. Preview is based purely on arithmetic based on the numbers in Device Settings->Additional settings. It’s not governed by real-life physics.

Can you share the .lbrn file to reivew? Maybe something going on in the design.

ok ill start from beginning i have a
NEJE Master 2S Max laser engraver / cutter with N40630 module - 460 x 810 mm - laserGRBL - lightburn - bluetooth - app control

it was working fine till it didn’t …suddenly it would stop before completing the job neje told me to update everything and do a stress test on grbl i did and had to change the hard limit in grbl from 1 to 0 now job finish’s but take 10 times longer to do instead of the laser firing on the fly it stops the fires then moves repeat its not one fluid motion any more i thought maybe i might have inadvertently clicked the wrong button in light burn neje now says check power supply they say 12V5A recommended but a 12V3A came with the machine and they only sell the 4A lol…the job i was doing was a 5x5 inch mirror an image from gimp processed thru ImagR for glass I’ve done it before and it took less than 3 hours not over 10

What exactly was updated?

What was involved in this stress test?

Why was this necessary? Did NEJE instruct you to do this?

Was this the exact same job previously? Or configurations were changed? Do the results look as good as previous jobs or has the output changed?

Are you able to share the .lbrn file?

hears what they told me to do it was the 3rd option in scenario

You haven’t provided much to work from but based on this I suggest you reach out to NEJE. Wasn’t clear in your post but if you’ve updated the firmware, and it looks like there are various firmware versions to accommodate different problem scenarios, then there’s likely something NEJE are tweaking in the firmware to improve reliability but may be impacting performance.