Laser stopping mid way through job unable to restart from same position laser status *busy*

Has anyone had the same issue, I have a Atomstak A5,

I am currently experiencing issues with larger jobs the laser will stop mid way through and i am unable to start the job again or use the laser without rebooting lightburn or turning the laser off.
Issue is happening with jobs over 15 minutes long and only seems to be an issue when im trying to fill rather than line a image or text.

Are you seeing any error or alarm messages in the Console window when your laser stops? If so, please share them here - you can either copy and paste them or share a screenshot.

The behavior you’re describing is usually caused by your laser’s controller disconnecting/resetting partway (you may see an ‘Alarm 3’ message if this is the case).

That could be due to a loose USB connection, static discharge causing the controller to reset, or insufficient power supply leading to a brown out condition.

Check your USB connection, and try a new, high quality, shielded USB cable. Route your USB so that it avoids the stepper motors or anything else that could cause electrical interference. Make sure that your machine is properly grounded. Make sure there are no devices on the same circuit as your laser that could be causing a power drop or brown out.

Here are some resources to help you troubleshoot these issues:

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