Laser stops in the middle of a burn

Hi Everyone,

I have had this issue before but now I am trying to figure out why my computer (newer surface pro 9) won’t show my CH341 update. I look in the device manager and it does not show up. When I try to update, I can’t find the update that I have put on my computer. When I go to lightburn, it gives me a port (com3) but in the device manager it does not show CH340. In my last attempt, it stopped short of the burn. Saying the Port failed or is already in use.

I just finished several Christmas jobs that were 5-8 hour burns and not issue. All the sudden, problems.

Could it be as simple as I need a new USB cable?

Thank you

I have a Comgrow 10W laser connected to a Surface pro 9.

Please expand the Ports (COM & LPT) option. You may be able to roll back the driver to the previous version. I have heard the new driver isn’t working with some newer hardware. I downloaded the old driver a couple of years ago.

No guarantee that this matches what you had and not with what you have now.

With the recent windows update, before messing with the drivers, it may be worth checking to see if the USB Selective-Suspend power settings were turned back ‘on’.

Turning off the screen saver or any other ‘sleep mode’ may also prevent interruption.

Good thoughts John
I appreciate that!

I am confused by the ch340 or ch341! When I updated it said it was downloading the latest 341 and when I go to update the driver I am not even sure where to look for it! lol

Thank you