Laser truncating Y-Axis Engraving

The engraver is shortening the bottom of the image by approx 1%. A circle looks flattened and shorter at the bottom (Y-Axis) and a rectangle is shortened by approx 1%. Also when engraving a circle with Layer set at OFFSET the engraved offset is ragged and not uniformly positioned.

I re-tensioned the Y-Axis belts but it made no difference. I also re-calibrated the Y-Axis.
I re-checked all the hardware and there are no obvious issues.

Any assistance/suggestion is greatly appreciated.
This problem occurred recently as previous engravings were perfect.
I have an XTool D1 Laser running with Lightburn V1.4.03

Make sure you check and tighten all set screws on motor drive pulleys.

I found 2 screws slack.
The engraving is now perfect.
Thank you

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