Laser TTS 10 Pro

Esperando conexión…

Esperando conexión…

Esperando conexión…

[MSG:Local access point Laser_32943 started,]

[MSG:HTTP Started]

[MSG:TELNET Started 8080]


Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]

laser: TTS 10 Pro no se logra conectar , funciona a veces y cuando trato de conectar nuevamente solo sale ocupada .

Have you tried anything to solve it?
Did you check this?

yes. I follow all the steps. install the driver… but stil have the same issue. I had to restart the pc several times . also days and sudenly connects . but just for few minutes . because if I wait with the engraver connected. it said that the engraver is busy and dont let me do anything else

What Operating System are you using?