Laser wanting to Home on bottom right instead of bottom left

Hello, I’ve scrounged the internet to try and fix this problem with no success. I’ve also talked to FoxAlien support team for endless hours. When in LB my machine is wanting to home in the bottom right instead of where it’s supposed to home in the bottom left. After it homes the current position is x-3, y-3. Please help. Thanks in advance.

Where are the homing switches physically located? Is homing to lower-right working successfully?

Do you in fact have switches at lower-left?

LB itself has nothing to do with the homing process. But I want to make sure I understand. Are you saying the behavior is different in other programs?

Other questions:

  1. Do jogging controls work correctly? Meaning they move in the direction expected?

Jogging works fine, it’ll go wherever I tell it to manually. It’s now homing to front left which is where it’s supposed to go. The only problem now is that it reads x-397, y-397 when hitting get location so when I try to frame a job around x200,y200 it tries to jog all the way to the right corner and limits out since it’s acting in negative state. I have no idea how to change the position to say x0,y0 that way it’ll treat the work area as positive when working a job.

Yes it has limit switches on the X,Y, and Z axis. They’re working fine.

Is this because you changed something?

You’re saying you have limit switches on both ends of all of these axes?

I suggest you review this documenation:
Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation

Shout out if this doesn’t make sense.

The article make sense but when I try that G10 code nothing happens. It stays negative position.

It’s fixed! I homed it, put in code $10=0 then G10 L2 P1 X-400, Y-400.

From my understanding I have to switch it back to X0,Y0 to use the CNC?

Yes, exactly. This should do it. You may also want to revert $10 if you were previously on $10=1.

G10 L2 P1 X0Y0

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