Please help. I had a Ortur laser master 2 with an upgraded Neje laser. It worked great until one day it just lost power and wouldn’t engrave let alone cut. So I purchased another laser. 24v laser 12V board. I can see why that didn’t work being the idiot I am I upgraded the power supply to 24v. That obviously didn’t work. So I recently purchased the Comgo Z1. Problem is It has the same symptoms as the ortur.
I have reset Lightburn to default settings
Changed USB cords
Moved to a new plug in…just in case.
Spent several hours looking for this info anywhere.
I dont remember any big updates for my computer.
Please if anyone has any ideas I would be forever grateful.
Are you using the Comgo Z1 with the Comgo laser or the 24V laser?
Can you provide the following:
- Output of this command from Console:
- Screenshot of Device Settings window
Yes its the Comgo Z1. Just assembled it yesterday but hit a limit switch and I’ve spent all day sorting that
out. I think I’m finally past that though.
Sorry I misunderstood. Yes complete Comgo package
I don’t see anything in your configuration that would prevent you from accessing full power.
One thing to note is that it looks like you’re configured for inches. Make sure the speed values reflect the actual absolute speed that you intend. It can be tricky if those are in inches/s and you’re used to providing values in mm/min.
Thanks for your time. I’m wondering if the problem lies in my actual computer. Seems odd to have the same problem with 2 completely different systems? Ever heard of something like that?
When I engage the fire button this is what the laser looks like. Neither the Ortur and the Neje
looked like this. Does anyone think this is normal for a Comgo?
There are a number of Comgo users on here so hopefully they can speak up. But from just looking that’s a surprisingly oblong dot and there’s quite a bit of escaping light.
Is this a fixed focus or variable focus lens? Have you spent some effort in getting focus as sharp as it can be?
I don’t think your computer would have anything to do with it. Once the commands are sent to the controller it’s really on the controller and the rest of the system to do its thing, assuming the right commands are sent. And I think we’ve verified that this should be the case.
I am having trouble capturing the best image of this but there is one sharp focused beam in the center of the rest of this. I believe it is a fixed focus. Not sure, they give you a measuring tool to set the lens correctly. Bit of a newbie here.
If so then yes, that would be a fixed focus system. The laser focus might be slightly out of calibration from factory but should still be within a couple millimeters of the spacing tool.
Which laser module came with the machine? Apparently Comgrow offers a few models. They claim their 10W LD+FAC is capable of 0.08 x 0.08 mm focus dot.
I have the 10 watt laser. I have finally worked out some of the bugs and got it going. Not sure how I fixed some of them but hey it’s working now. One of the issues was inches vs mm.
Thank you for taking the time to help with this!
I wonder if your original problem may have been caused by dirt on your lens. Even if you use air assist, gunk can accumulate on the lens, making it appear as though the laser is losing power. Isopropyl alcohol & a cotton swab can restore the laser to its pristine condition.
I’ll try that thanks
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