I am a new user and am using an Opt Laser PLH3D Series with my Shapeoko XXL.
I have tried trouble shooting through different YouTube videos and this forum but am stuck and can not get the laser to fire.
The laser will fire and burns a beam into a piece of wood when I am running it manually from the control box so I know it isn’t a wiring issue.
However when using lightburn I can move (toggle) the laser around, home it, load an image and run a program but the laser doesn’t actually fire. It moved around like it should be doing something but doesn’t burn anything into the wood. The fire button also doesn’t work in lightburn.
I feel like this is a setting I have wrong and these are the settings I currently have and would appreciate any help someone can offer on what I am doing wrong.
Thank you!
When you say the Fire button doesn’t work, what exactly happens when you push the button? Does the fan on the laser turn on? What Power level do you have the Fire button set to?
Also, what do you have “S-value max” set to in Device Settings?
Also, what speed/power settings are your layers set to?
Nothing happens when I click on fire - a red frame shows up around the box when clicked but the laser doesn’t do anything - I have tried the Power at several different settings but it is currently at 0.25%
S -value max is set to 1000. I have attached images for the speed/power settings.
Thank you for helping.
We had the power all the way up to 100% and even held a piece of paper directly under the laser touching the metal because we thought maybe we had the laser to far away from the board.
Where do I find the settings for the laser? Not sure where to look for those.
Thanks again for helping