Laser Window Icons

I hooked up a monitor to my laptop for a bigger view. I used the slider in settings to shrink down the tool bar, but the icons in the laser window are still giant and eating up a lot of space. Is there a way to shrink them down that I’m missing?

You can adjust the font size, which will affect them, but it appears to me to be normal size. If you can set your laptop screen to a higher resolution, that should help, but I know that’s not always possible.

Font size is already as low as it can go, and resolution is as high as it can go (1920x1080). :frowning:

1920x1080 is ideal. Post a screenshot of the entire screen.

OK, my mistake … I thought the slider being all the way to the left was the smallest, but apparently it’s “Default” for some reason. I bumped it to the right one and shrunk it down a bit.