Laser won't cut, just moves around

Im new to all this and having issues.My laser won’t cut, engrave nothing. it just moves around in the home area than stops. Any help would be appreciated. I have A Atomstack A5 M50 pro.

Do you actually see the laser light come on?

If so, make sure you have good focus. If you have good focus, then dramatically slow down your speed settings and increase power. If you are over 80% power and under 500 mm/min and still not getting a burn then check the value of S Value Max in Edit->Device Settings. That should be set to 1000 for your laser.

let me rephrase, it engraves the little area it stays in but won’t move to go and actually cut the design I made.

What’s the history of the laser? Was it working previously or this is a new setup?

Are you able to jog the laser to all corners of the machine?

Please attach a screenshot of LightBurn with the design loaded and a photo of the resulting burn.

Its brand new, I got it for Christmas. Im extremely new to all of this but eager to learn.I actually took A video of what it is doing. Let me try to upload it here.

I could not upload the video so I took A pic of what it is burning. I am trying to make A keychain.

Can you also take a screenshot of LightBurn? Or upload the .lbrn file that you’re using for the test.

You can’t upload videos directly here but you can upload elsewhere and link here.

How did you setup your device? It looks to me like your workspace is setup extremely small. Looks like 0.4" square.

I believe your machine is meant to be 410x400mm although it’s not clear to me which axis is meant to be 410mm.

Can you run this command in Console and return the full output?


I have A good size area for working and the setup.its setup in my garage on A workbench, extra space for air assists hope to reach that point.

You misunderstand. I mean the workscape size configuration in LightBurn. The dimensions of the workspace are likely way too small. Similarly, because of that your design is also extremely small. It’s possible that the burn you’re getting actually matches the design that you’ve created but it’s much too small to make out.

Can you go to Console in LightBurn and run the command I listed? Then return the output here please.


ok, I will try that

Thank you! that worked. Im not sure what happened with the work area, I guess I need to fix that next. Thank you again

What worked? Can you run the command in Console and return the output generated? That will help confirm workspace dimensions.

I made the design bigger

Go to Console window, then enter this command. Once you get output, copy and paste the output to a reply here please.


alright I am back been unfortunately pulled away from this $0=10















































This should be the size of your workspace. $130 is for X, $131 is for Y.

Go to Edit->Device Settings and change the Work Size width to 410mm, and height to 400mm. If you are currently configured to inches I suggest swithing over at least temporarily to mm to make this easier. You can do this by pushing the “in” in Numeric Edits Toolbar. When you do so, it will switch to “mm”.

That worked!!! I test cutted and it cut like its supposed to! Thanks so much. If you don’t mind can I hit you directly up for future questions ? Im sure I will have plenty

Glad that worked.

Your best bet is to post in the forum as that will provide the widest exposure. I’d also suggest reviewing previous posts as many common problems have been well explored.