Laser work when pressing fire button , but it doesn't when i launch gcode


I have been making practice with my custom totem s 5.5 laser engraver.
I am using only in “line mode” for the time being …
i am facing a problem; dont know for which reason but all in a sudden ( after one of the many software crash where the machine seems to loose connection with pc and where there no choice but restarting everything from zero), the laser is not cutting anymore…
I mean , The laser head turns on correctly when push on the “fire” button but then when i launch gdoce the machine moves correctly but the laser head doensn’t turn on anymore.

Does anyone know if this could depend on LB set up ? maybe something wrong on machine setting and so on…

many thanks in advance

Can you provide the following:

  1. .lbrn file you’re using for testing
  2. Do File->Save gcode using a .txt extension and upload here

HI and thanks for your answer

attached please find the the files

thanks , KR

20230610 TEST.lbrn2 (274.0 KB)
20230610 TEST.txt (468 Bytes)

I don’t see any reason why the laser wouldn’t be turning on in either the gcode or .lbrn file.

Are you absolutely certain the laser isn’t coming on at all?

Can you provide the following:

  1. Screenshot of Edit->Device Settings
  2. Run these commands in Console and return output:
  1. Can you run these commands in Console and explain what happens? This will turn on the laser so please be prepared. Please home the laser before proceeding:
G1 X10S20
G1 Y10S20
G1 S0


yes i am sure


here is the output



[MSG:Using machine:LKS TS3]






















































laser head move and makes a L shape and laser turn on for afew seconds

thanks , KR

I want to make sure I get exactly what happened as it’s important.

When did the laser come on? Before any movement and for the whole L? Or in the middle? Or only after the L was completed? Did the laser stay on after movement completed? If so, how long?

hi ,

the laser turn on right at beginning of the L right when the movement start and switch off at the end whe the head stops moving.

here is the video
laser head


That’s interesting. This tells me that it should be working correctly. I don’t see anything significantly different between this and what your g-code showed.

Try a couple of tests. First test, reduce power level on your cut layer to 2% and run a burn. Does the laser come on? If so, this could indicate a hardware failure. Either a power issue or possibly controller issue but you would need to further test to confirm.

If that doesn’t work, try running the g-code that you generated earlier one line at a time. If that doesn’t work, repeat the process but skip the “M9” commands. Does that change anything?

i tried but nothing happens, the laser does not turn on , while the head is moving correclty

should i copy paste by adding 1 row at the time or is there a way to skip line ? maybe " ; " at begigging of the line ? thanks

You could delete the line entirely or adding ; would indeed comment out the line.

i tried running the gocde by pasting it on console and pressing enter

case 1 : complete gcode : heads move laser does not turn on
case 2 ( M9 deleted ) : nothing change , same result

i confirm that when i press “fire” the laser head works

What happens if you rerun the L shape g-code now?

If start from origin and copy paste the “L” shape G code i obtain same result as at first attempt , same shown on video above

if not starting from origin nothing happens

Sounds like you might have a partial break in the cable from controller to laser module. Try moving your design close to origin and see if that works. If it does, that likely implies a hardware issue.

if i move the design close to X0,Y0 it works …it must be the cable I think you are you are right

I tried to scale the design and launch the gocode by placing the corner of the shape clsoe to the origin 0,0 :

as long as the head moves Y+ the laser works , then when it start moving to X+ it works for a while and after say 100 mm the laser head stop emitting light…when it comex back for X say below 100 it starts working again, so the laser head functionality is related to X position , over a certain value it stops working

i think that , as you say , it could be a cable issue , i tried to move the cables but nothing change…point is that the position seems so precise that i would be amazed if it would depend on the cables.

as i said i will be leaving for a business trip but when i come back i will recable the machine.

Only one question before i start working on cables : do you think this could have some dependency on the control board or are you more inclined to think it depends on the cables?

last but not least : let me send you my compliments !!! i am amazed by the strategy in your analysis

thanks , KR

The symptoms, to me, most likely points to it being the cable. I don’t see any reason why position would impact the function of the controller in this case.

Glad to help. Safe travels.

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