Hi, I am using free trial LightBurn and I like it very much. However, when I try to cut shapes like a simple circle, laser head start to make small zigzags in a shape of drawn circle. I have RdWorks also installed on my computer and the latest version works good and cuts all the curves as it supposed to.
I have read this thread before but I have downloaded trial version from https://lightburnsoftware.com/ official page. There was the same problem with RdWorks before that latest version came out, so I am told by the supplier of the laser machine.
Ok, this will look very lame. I have laser machine about a week now and I have spent hours of searching what is wrong, but now when you said to try to cut, the cut is perfect.
Every time when I tried to “cut” the circle I have always test it with the Frame button first (I love that feature). Because of the problem winch occurred after pressing the Frame button I have never try to actually Run it.
So after I press Frame button head starts to zigzag as i have described, but when I press the Run button, laser do the job without any problems.
If you’re using the rubberband framing option on Ruida controllers this will happen. Apparently there’s no mechanism to control the Ruida with smooth motion for framing.