We are new to Lightburn software and have the following issue.
1 We are creating a Tudor style house in Inkscape with Tudor beams that use the Inkscape fill, wood grain.
2 On a separate layer we are creating the outline to be cut with various tabs and holes to join up 2mm Basswood shapes.
In order for the beams to import correctly we have to export layer 1 engraving using a png file. If we were to use svg the engraving wood pattern disappears.
We export the Cut out layer as svg as we want this to be cut lines in Lightburn.
Now after importing into Lightburn we have two lovely layers the engrave layer is an image which is ideal. The cut layer is lines so we can set the cutting parameters.
Now the issue we have is the two layers do not align and in our instance the difference is 1.35mm horizontal? This is not a scaling issue just a horizontal displacement.
Has anyone else had this issue? We have to manually adjust the x displacement to compensate. Maybe there is a better way to carry out this process?
Can you attach a screenshot showing the wood pattern in Inkscape? If you’re able to show this in Inkscape I’m curious why it couldn’t be expressed as vector graphics.
How are you calculating your dimensions? Inkscape has 2 styles…to the end of stroke, or to the construction line. As strokes arent imported, this may explain the discrepancy.
These are the layers over each other in Inkscape. Note the tab sitting at the edge is on the cut layer while the wood engraving is on the engrave layer.
Here is the same area after import into LightBurn 1.4.04
The cut layer is displaced by 1.35 mm. The Engrave layer was imported first and then the cut layer but the order of import does not appear to be the issue. The Y axis is not affected so it’s not a scaling issue.
As for vector graphics, can you directly create or convert the pattern as filled shapes to retain as vector?
For the separate image and SVG import, how are you doing the export and how are you doing the import? LightBurn by default will import to center of page, not necessarily to a fixed location.
If you hold shift will importing an SVG, LightBurn will position the import with respect to SVG coordinates. SVG uses top-left origin, however, so placement may not be what you expect.
There is no such provision for images, however. You can relocate images fairly easily, however, by using the 9-dot controls and X/Y location in Numeric Edits Toolbar.