Layer not working

The program will only engrave one of these four circles. I’ve tried making them all different layers. I’ve grouped them separately. I’ve grouped them together. I don’t understand what to do. They are all identical cut and engrave holes, yet it will only engrave the top left corner. I’ve even stacked the layers differently.

Do you get an error that the shapes are not closed?

I do not. I am able to correct this, but it DOUBLES the amount of time it takes to do the job, and it’s not cost affective for me, or the customer.

Do you mind posting the .lbrn2 file…?

Just drop it on the reply window or use the upload icondownload-icon-background


Wood LP.lbrn (74.6 KB)

All the circles, but the one that works are actually two circles.

Select one of the red circles that isn’t working and press ‘delete’, the second one is still there…


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Wow. Thank you! I’m trying to wrap my head around how that even happened.

You will see it again…

The tip off is that when you select it, it doesn’t look right… the slected object over a nonselected item that’s identical.

make a circle and then duplicate it - notice the difference, they are stacked…

Good luck…

If that’s the fix, mark the thread solved…

Take care


Dummy me… Forgot to advise you to try and set that layer to ‘Fill shapes individually’ will knock off about 2 minutes or more… sorry…

Run it in the preview and check the time and the ‘red’ path, which is just the head moving.

Then change it and try it again… :crazy_face:


It’s saying it will take 2 extra minutes if I do them individually.

Very true. As an example, the square on the right is selected. On the left, there are 2 squares, with only one of them selected.


Additionally, when not selected, the shape paths will look a bit “darker” where paths overlap. Another good indication worth noting. :slight_smile:


I think that might have been a typo, @jkwilborn shows the correct setting in the screenshot, ‘Fill all shapes at once’.

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