Layout/design screen

I just opened the paid version of Lightburn and haven’t had time to work with it yet. The one thing I noticed is the layout/design screen is divided down the middle with the layout grid on the right and a blank slate on the left. Also, starting at the same divider point the number along the bottom are positive, increasing to the right and the number from the center are negative, decreasing to the left. When i select say text, in an area i would like, it types the text backing up, away from where I what it to be. Hope this makes enough sense for someone to be able to give me some guidance.

Thank You
Thomas McClellan

Can you post a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Not clear to me what you’re experiencing or what the problem is.

This is what I see. Don’t remember the in the free trail.

Are you referring to the windows being popped-out on the right? You can reposition those to dock them where you like.

If you want to reset your window layout to default then do Window->Rest to default layout.

As for the workspace, that will center into the docked windows. Or if you want to move the position of the workspace then use the hand looking tool to grab and move the workspace. You can also use middle mouse button click and drag to accomplish the same thing.

A couple of other tips. If you click the square icon I have outlined in your interface, it will center up the work area in your screen.

As for your text “backing up” when you type, it’s because the default in LightBurn is to have Center oriented text. If you change the other area I have circled to “Left” it will left justify your text, and be anchored where you clicked to start typing.

Got this worked out. Thanks Guys

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