I see that now we can save the Adjust Image settings. This is what our members have been begging for- but not quite. We’re MOSTLY there.
What’s here is confusing me right now. They’re separate from the Image tab and Materials Library entry, and I don’t see why. We have Save Preset, Delete, Import/Export… but why are these separate at all?
The settings just need to be integrated into the Image tab and become part of a Library entry. OK, so displaying the image is a different job than the Image tab, I get it. So just link them, exactly like Line Interval already is. LI is on the Image tab, but it forwards to Adjust Image and changes made to LI in Adjust Image go back to the Image tab and will save as a Library entry. Same thing. You should be able to load B/C/G/Enhance from the Library but tweak either blindly in the Image tab, or preferably in the Adjust Image tab. No “preset” storage, just forward into the Image tab/Library entry when tweaked visually there.
Is a preset’s parameters always perfect for every image? No, speed/power/LI may require tweaking for a particular job anyways. They might work, they might just be a starting point.
Actually, not an LB 1.1 thing, but, showing this to a large makerspace user base, the 3-tiered Library is tripping like half the people up, and keeps messing with even me. They click on “Birch Plywood”, or “Birch Plywood”, “6mm” and later say they couldn’t get it to work, it’s greyed out- because you have to click on the 3rd tier, and I honestly don’t know what that’s even for. I had “Plywood Birch Baltic”->“6mm”->“Idontknowwhattoputherebutitcantbeblank” (not really but you get the point). You can’t assign until you click through to that third label.
I’m saying we’d be great to have a 1-tier Library. I just want to make entries “Plywood Birch Baltic 3mm” and “Plywood Birch Baltic 6mm” etc. Needs a potential comment field for sure but not as a mandatory-click tier. It can coexist with the current XML, just new XML code for the single-tier (or 2 tier) entries that can be assigned with 1 click, rather than opening 3 tiers.