When i want to trace an image LightBurn stops working on my Imac 7.1 OS-X El Capitan, 4gb sdram(667Mhz). Apple gives me a crash report,may be you can see what happens and why. I have an other Imac (8.1 and 4gb 800Mhz) with the same setup and works normally, so also my windows machine has no problem. I will swap out the Imacs anyway, but i’am very curious what happens here. May be you have an idea about this. (also swapped sd rams for checking)
It would be helpful if you would be willing to also provide the image you were trying to trace and any details on what trace settings you were using at the time it crashed.
Also, was it crashing during the trace preview or only after you attempted to apply the trace and create the new shape?
The crash happens instantly as soon as i hit trace image I import the image resize it and then give the trace image command. This happens only on my oldest Imac, just the one i intended to use with my laser cutter. But i can change from that plan.baby|466x500