Lead-in/lead-out disappears when installing bridges

The following problem was found: if I install bridges on the sketch with the lead-in/lead-out installed, then the lead-in/lead-out disappear both during preliminary inspection and laser cutting. The bridges remain in their places. How to solve this problem?

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I’m interested in what you’re seeing here.
Are you observing this behaviour in the Preview window?

I would like to know the following so we can attempt to reproduce this behaviour:
Which engraver and controller are you using?
Which version of LightBurn are you using?
Which Operating system is running on your computer?

I can reproduce this behaviour.
On the OLM2 running Windows 11 and Lightburn 1.2.01
The lead-in/out disappear when tabs are introduced, this is also evident in the preview window.

It is very easy to reproduce. Draw, for example, a circle. Add Lead-in/Lead-out in the layer properties. Exit the layer properties. Click preview. Lead-in/Lead-out is present. Now set up the bridges. Click preview. The bridges remained. Lead-in/Lead-out are missing.
All of this happens on any version of Windows OS. The GRBL and Trocen AWC-7824 controllers behave the same way. LB 1.2.00.

We have confirmed and been able to reproduce this unintended behavior on multiple systems and OS’s. A report has been generated for the dev team to take a closer look. Thank you all for bringing this to our attention. :slight_smile: Will update here once we have something further to report.


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