Lead in lead out

HI Guys

hope someone can help here

i am trying to cut acrylic letters in mirror and i am getting a slight blemish at the entry exit point of the cut so i thought i would explore lead in lead out.

For a letter such as a O i want the centre cut out to have a negative lead in (that is to start the cut in the scrap area) and for the outside i want the cut to start in the outer area (again the scrap part)

But here is the main issue for my imported (AI) file no matter how i set the lead in angle either positive or negative it ALWAYS wants to start the cut in the area i need (the outside of the shape)

If i use light burn to create a circle using the same layer i can get it to do what i need

Any ideas why?? i have attached picture - the left shape is the centre of my imported artwork and the right shape is a path created in LB both using the same layer with the lead in set to -90

Make it smaller, or make it a larger angle - it’s trying to put it ‘inside’ but the radius you’ve given it makes it sit outside the chosen shape.

These are the same shapes at different scales, using the same settings (90 degrees, 3mm lead in):

Notice the last one doesn’t fit inside the shape - the angle is too wide.

thanks oz…worked that out after i sent my message…makes sense once you understand…the only annoying thing using this is that the start position of some shapes mean you have to go and manually adjust the start position otherwise it will cut into your shape

I do want to make it smarter, and have it try to pick start positions that allow the lead to work wherever it’s place. Hopefully in an update or two.

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