Leather laser settings

I recently purchased a 50w laser and have just started to use it in leather. I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice as to what settings I should use? Speed, power, number of passes, etc. I use 1/4” thick leather and I’m attempting to engrave to make the letters look embossed. I do not wish to cut through the leather. I appreciate any help!

I recently purchased a 50w laser and have just started to use it in leather. I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice as to what settings I should use? Speed, power, number of passes, etc. I use 1/4” thick leather and I’m attempting to engrave to make the letters look embossed. I do not wish to cut through the leather. I have spent countless hours trying to dial everything in with no luck. I appreciate any help. Thank you!

Best not to double post. We have to work twice as much to provide an answer. We would appreciate you not doing this.

The best I would recommend you is this to start with.

Leather is a special material for working with a laser and you have to try a lot and gather experience.

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I am not sure if you have this figured out yet. I am doing the same thing as we speak. I have the speed dialed in for sure. I am still working on the laser output. I am running at 100in\min and 100%-0% grey scale. I mess with 85-100 in/min 100 starts to miss little details. I am now going to dial in the power. 100 is too much. Way to much cleaning after. I am now going to do 100 and 85 in/min at 60% power down to 0. I can send you more pics of those when I am done.