Hi I am a complete newbee to this program I have burnt a few projects from other people so I thought I would try something I created myself. It is a Table Placemat Aprox 40cm x 30cm but not a complex design.
I created it on Paint Shop Pro saved it as a jpg file and loaded it into Lightburn when I checked the preview I noticed it would take over 52hr to burn. What have I done wrong as there are more complex designs that only take around 30min to 1hr
to burn. Can someone point me in the right direction to solve this.
Thanks in advance.
I have included 2 screen shots of the Lightburn screen.`
I see a few things, first 350 mm/min is very slow, second, this would be much faster if it were a vector image. Because you imported it as a png it has to scan every line fully. Your options are to export from your drawing program as svg, if that’s an option or trace the image in Lightburn and delete the original. You could then play with the options to fill individually or as groups, etc. to get the best speed.
Third, did you import the settings from your laser? That will help Lightburn in it’s estimates of time. This is in the Device Settings Window(Wrench & Screwdriver Icon). Click Read from controller.