Letzte Update - Version 1.5.04 - ist bei mir totaler Schrott

Seit der letzte Update, vor 3 Tage, spinnt mein Laser Total.
Framing läuft sehr langsam und ungenau. Wenn ich nur ein kleines Kreis markiere, macht das Framing auf das ganze Werkstück (350 x 400), dabei ist es nur 76 x 76 mm!!!
Was ist das für ein Mist-Update?
Ich bin so enttäuscht da ich eure Anstrengungen nicht nachvollziehen kann.
Ich bin seit zwei Tage praktisch Arbeitsunfähig und kann meine Aufgaben nicht erledigen.
Das alles wegen ein Update?!: Ich bin SOOOO SAUER!

Since the last update, 3 days ago, my laser has been totally crazy.
Framing is very slow and inaccurate. If I just mark a small circle, the framing applies to the entire workpiece (350 x 400), but it is only 76 x 76 mm!!!
What kind of crap update is this?
I am so disappointed because I cannot understand your efforts.
I have been practically unable to work for two days and cannot complete my tasks.
All this because of an update?!: I’m SOOOO PISSED!

I won’t go into your problems with the update itself, but you could have easily avoided the missing 2 working days. It doesn’t take 3 minutes to reinstall any (working) version. The version you want to replace does not even have to be uninstalled.

I have already installed the old version and it is running again.
But if you release a junk version and only cause problems, that’s not the point.
But still, my framing is still slow.

It is possible that there are some diode lasers that are not as problem-free as “others”, but with your attitude, I don’t think there are many people who want to spend their free time helping you.


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