Licence facture tva

Bonjour. Si ont achete une licence. Reçois t on une facture avec la TVA. Et acceptez vous les carte bancaire ? Merci d avance pour votre réponse.

Hello. If have purchased a license. Receive an invoice with VAT. And do you accept credit cards? Thank you in advance for your reply.

An invoice is provided with every purchase and yes, we accept most major credit cards and PayPal.

Une facture est fournie avec chaque achat et oui, nous acceptons la plupart des principales cartes de crédit et PayPal.

The invoice will not have a VAT number because LightBurn is a US company, but you do get an invoice. You can enter your own VAT number in the extra address field on the purchase form if you need it to show on the invoice.

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