License not seeing DSP controller

Good evening, initially I downloaded the trial version for my new DSP based machine, with which I have been working and testing the software, I activated my purchase license on the desktop computer, until everything is ok, when I restart the version of purchase I discovered that it detected my other laser based on gcode “snapmaker”, so I activated it too, but it no longer detected the main laser machine based on Ruida, so I entered it manually, working perfectly, today the version of the Laptop that I have at side of the expired machine, without remembering that I had it in a trial version, and knowing that I have up to 2 terminals, put your key number to activate it, my surprise was that when I went to detect my machine it told me that I did not have the DSP version active, which I’ve been working with and why in the end I decided to buy the license, I don’t understand now why it won’t let me activate the license if it has been working.

In the same way I cannot send files to the machine because either it tells me that I do not have DSP activated or it simply does nothing, after reading this forum I will try tomorrow to install the versions indicated, if it were something else I would appreciate the comment. Thank you.

You purchased a GCode license key, not a DSP license key. I have provided instructions over email for you to upgrade the key.

Well, you will forgive me for this indication, when you put a test software, being tested, and seeing that they work and convinced that it is the right one, and when a license is acquired, tell me that I have to upgrade to another why not They recognize my controller, when I have been using it for all that month of testing and at no time have I received notification of having to request an extension to be able to run with the Ruida controller (dsp), I do not understand why it is not indicated from the beginning. I am a domestic user, I do not have this out of necessity, just a hobby, and for wanting to contribute because according to what you indicate on your page, you are a small company and have expenses, I chose the option that I could afford, to be well with you , and now I find that I have to pay to be able to control my machine, it is honestly not the answer I expected based on your web information, which from the beginning certainly worked.

"Designed to Work With Your Laser
LightBurn talks directly to your laser, without the use of additional software.

We currently support most Ruida, Trocen, TopWisdom, and GCode based controllers. Supported GCode controllers, include Grbl, Smoothieware, Grbl-LPC, and Marlin. Supported Ruida controllers include the RDC6442G / S, RDC6445G, RDC6332G, RDLC-320A, and R5-DSP. Supported Trocen controllers include the AWC708C, AWC608, and TL-3120. More controllers will be added soon, so if you don’t see yours listed, send us a message - maybe we’re already working on it!

If your controller is GCode, Ruida, Trocen, or TopWisdom based, even if it’s not listed it might be supported already - Download the free trial and try it for yourself. If it doesn’t work, sometimes it only takes a day or two to make the required changes to support a new board in these existing families … "Honestly, I’m not finding the best answer I was hoping for. your part.

We do offer information about what license will be required to support the laser systems you want to use with LightBurn. Which version do I need? – LightBurn Software

This information is clearly written on our website:

First, when you click the ‘Buy LightBurn’ button, you are taken to this page:

The controller images show which controllers are supported by that version of the software.

Next, if you go to the product pages from there, you get these:


The information is clearly presented, but many people choose not to read it.

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