License question two computers

I did a search and might have missed it and i think i seen something some where on the site about this but again cant find it so ill ask

I recently received a macbook air for editing photos and personal use but i was thinking im keeping the laptop i use the laser its self and instead of alot of emailing back and fourth can I download lightburn on both laptops and use the same license or do i have to buy a new one and cancel the license the laser is connected to i wont use the laser on the macbook i just want to save the lightburn file exstention and stuff related then email it to the laser computer and process the project thanks

You can use the same licence on 2 computers. Just install and enter your key.

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Ok cool i was thinking so i just didnt want to do it and take a chance of screwing something up thanks

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I might have jumped the gun kinda stuck i downloaded the software but I currently cannot connect my laser to the mac as it doesnt have any usb ports (first time owner of macbook) but my laser connects to the old laptop via usb so how do i connect it to the mac so i can use the software

If you are only using it for design and such, and plan to use the other computer to run the laser, you do not have to have the macbook connected to the laser. It will run fine without a laser connected.

Ahh ok cos i opened it and all that just on autopilot i entered all the info and it asked me to connect it or LB would close …sorry like i said ima first time mac person new world to me

Not a mac guy myself. So it will not stay open at all?
Looks like we need a mac guy on this.

No need i judt kept going through set up i judt stopped cos it said it would close its all good now

Thanks again sorry about that

Sounds like you have solved this now.

For reference here are 2 options for addressing this:

  1. export your device settings from your current computer and import in the new computer. You can find this by pushing Devices button in Laser window
  2. manually create your device on the Mac as it seems you have done.

Also, I’m not aware of any Mac without a USB port. Is it that you have USB-C ports and not USB-A ports? In that case, you can get a USB-C to USB-A adapter that will allow you to connect the cable to your computer. I believe there are also USB-C to USB-B cables but may be less common.

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