Light burn how to add to traced image to make stronger

I traced an image and part of the image is very narrow/thin and breaks in wood. I was wondering how I can make that section of the traced image wider/stronger. Not sure which tools to use in light burn to make it bigger and connect it to the rest of the image.
Thank you

a photo will explain better what you mean but, if i had well understood, you only need to increase power or lower speed. There is no other way to “mark” any material you want to engrave

The part in the yellow circle is thin and fragile. I am wonder how to make that part thinker and connect/weld to the rest of the outline.

A question or two: 1. Do you want the traced lines to cut through the material? 2. Do you want to engrave/fill an area between the 2 faint lines [with breaks] we can see in your example?

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I am cutting the outermost layer and then engraving the rest. That area once in wood is fragile and breaks. So I am wondering how to make this part of the traced image bigger so it will be strong.

Let’s see if this helps. In the video, I made a shape similar to what you showed. Using the node editor, you can manually move single points to change a line, or you can select many points and use the arrow keys to move the points. Edit image with node editor - YouTube

A tutorial, by someone else on YouTube, explains nodes in depth. Lightburn Node Editing Breaking and Joining Shapes

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Thank you! I will try this!

This worked! Thanks again so much for your help.

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