Lightburn 1.4.04 upgrade has impacted ability to import dxf files. Anyone else having issues?

I recently upgraded to Lightburn 1.4.04 and now when I try to import a dxf file some of the objects are not coming through. One of the other computers at our facility is on version 1.4.03 and will import the entire object. This is the first time on here and not sure where to post bug reports.

This post might be related: DXF Spline importer improvements

Note that the changes indicated in the post are relevant only for the upcoming 1.5.00 release so would not yet be impacting DXF import.

Did you use polylines for your dxf objects?

On my Mac, I have no problem dragging a DXF into the LightBurn window, or importing it. LightBurn version 1.4.04

Oh, I thought there was a backport or something, there is a couple of people complaining about DXF import in latest version.
Then take my post as “good news for the future, all of this will be improved”.

The post that was linked above includes a link to a 1.4.05 patch with this bug fixed. Please try it on your file and let me know if it’s fixed for you as well.

If not, email your file to and include a link to this thread so I can figure out what’s different with yours.

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Turns out you ended up being right on this. :wink:

Haha !
Well, that’s a good idea anyway, it allows a wider test of the new code before the 1.5 release. And it looks like it will solve many DXF-related issues (and might introduce others, but that’s the point of the test…).

I can’t find the link to the patch… Pls help

Look here please:

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Thank you!

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Sorry - PY’s link was the link I meant, but that wasn’t the one posted above. He’s sent you the right one. :slight_smile:

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