LightBurn does not recognize Adobe fonts installed on my computer from Photoshop. How can I correct this?
If the fonts are either TTF or OTF and they’re actually installed on the system then they should show up in LightBurn. Can you confirm they’re TTF or OTF and whether they show in other (non-Adobe) programs?
They are only showing up in Adobe apps such as Photoshop
Then they are not supported. LightBurn uses the Fonts from the standard OS fonts folder. You need to find a way to export your fonts to the OS font folder.
It would be nice if I knew how to do that.
I’m not familiar with the Adobe suite of products so I can’t be certain but with CorelDRAW comes a lot of fonts. The vast majority of these fonts are not actually installed in the OS but they do appear in the Corel applications (but not in any other applications). CorelDRAW also comes with a font manager that you can add fonts to without actually installing them. These additional fonts also appear in the Corel apps and if you want them to be available OS-wide you can install them via the Corel font manager (or via the OS’s in-built method). Perhaps Adobe has a similar system?
If you go to Start and type “Fonts” then select “View Installed Fonts” you should see all the fonts installed in Windows. If they are not installed correctly in Windows you will not see them in other programs. When installing a new font you will need to right click on the file and select “Install for All Users” otherwise the font will not be available for all programs. There is a nice little free program called Nexus Font you can install and run that will show you all the fonts installed in Windows. You can either view, Print, or save the file as a PDF. If you see the fonts you are looking for in Windows but they do not show up in Lightburn. You may have to reinstall them using “Install for all Users”
I was looking for a good font manager for Windows quite recently. Although I have CorelDRAW with its own font manager I found it lacked a lot of features and was unusably slow when trying to manage a lot of fonts. I tried NexusFont as well as FontBase (as well as some others IIRC) to see if I could find something better for free. (Again IIRC) FontBase wanted me to upgrade to a paid tier all the time and ended up being too slow anyway. NexusFont was also horrendously slow even with just a few fonts to manage. I tried a couple of paid-for alternatives: FontExpert and MainType. Both FontExpert and MainType seemed to be very well matched feature-wise and both offer a trial period. FontExpert provides a fully working version during the trial period so it was easy to test the performance, whereas the MainType trial is restricted to the number of fonts you can manage, which made it difficult to assess properly. FontExpert cost significantly less than MainType (for the version that I needed) so I ended up purchasing FontExpert.
Hope this helps.
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