LightBurn Basics - Image Trace tutorial: How do they fill the trace at 2 min mark?

Watching the " LightBurn Basics - Image Trace" video, at the 2 min mark he fills the vector image. No ideal how this is done. On youtube there are several people asking the same question. One person suggested it was Alt+Shift+W, tried that and it didn’t work, any ideas ?

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Click on the menu bar, Window, and pick from the two wireframe options or the two filled options. It does list Alt-Shift-W which works on my machine, once I stopped pressing Control-Alt-W !

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Thank you. I do see option under Window “Toggle WireFrame/Filled” Alt+Shift+W. I’m still not getting it to work. I imported a png then “Trace Image”, have the wire frame. I selected both “Wireframe/Coarse” and “Wireframe/Smooth” and Alt+Shift+W. I’m missing something.

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Figured it out (new to Lightburn, great piece of software). I had to select “Fill” in the properties for that layer. Thanks :blush: :smiley:

‘Filled’ mode shows things filled, and ‘Wireframe’ shows them as outlines. I don’t recommend using ‘Filled’ mode all the time, as it can obscure things behind filled shapes, but it’s very useful for spot checking.

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