Lightburn Bridge is not found on pc but works fine on my mac. Going to same Laser

I had to replace my router, so a new Wi-Fi password was required. I input the new password in the bridge from my phone. It connected fine. I rescanned in Lightburn on my Mac Mini and it connected to the bridge fine. No matter what i do I cannot get my pc windows 11 to re-connect to the bridge. Both my mac mini and my pc was connecting fine before I changed my router. The pc is connected to the new Wi-Fi and working fine. I have verified that the bridge is connected to my Wi-Fi network via my mac mini and the the IP is I’ve tried to manually generate the connection profile in Lightburn on my pc to no avail. Any suggestions would be appreciated. My mac mini is my secondary computer so I really need to get the pc reconnected. Thanks for your help

Solved, Temp Disabled Virus Protection and its working fine!

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What are the IPs of your PC, Mac, and router?

Try disabling any firewall software on the PC. Does that allow you to connect?

Yes that did it thank you very much!