Lightburn bridge wont connect


I have 3 new OMTech CO2 machines. 1 of them i used my old raspberry pi 4 to connect and havent had an issue and up and running.

The other 2 i purchased 2 raspberry pi 3B devices and flashed memory cards for lightburn bridge following the website set up. I have no connected them to my 2 lasers via ethernet, my IP on both have been changed to as well.

Now when i try to connect it to lightburn I am going to Devices - Lightburn Bridge- Click Next - Here i cant access the Lightburn Bridge page, and i do not have Lightburn Bridge coming up in my wifi list on my MAC like i did on the Pi 4 when i set it up - I am stuck here and can’t figure out how to get them connected?

Try setting up wifi access manually.

Advanced LightBurn Bridge Setup - LightBurn Software Documentation

So I did this, inserted it into my raspberry pi and connected back to the OMTech (is this what im supposed to do?)

I power it on and everything, the lights on the pi come on and flash but nothing happens. My file when i put the SD card back into my mac just shows Wifi.txt

Yeah. That’s fine.

Can you take a screenshot of this?

Also, do you have a monitor you can connect to the Pi?
Can you check your router to see that the Pi has connected to it?

When i plug my monitor into it via HDMI it wont actually bring anything up. The light on the Pi is lit up red like its on and everything though

If that’s the case then there’s likely something wrong with the SD card image. Try burning a standard Pi OS image and make sure that the Pi is working.

What kind of SD card are you using? Perhaps try a different brand or size.

Alright i have reflashed it with a piburn one, if i connect to monitor still does nothing - aside fromt hat im not sure how to test anything with it?

it is the ONN brand from walmart (same as my other ones i have used in my 2 other raspberry pi’s)

What is this? Not familiar with Piburn other than as a rotary device. Can you try a Pi OS image?

How are you flashing the image? Are you using the official Rapsberry Pi Imager utility?

I’m not familiar with this brand. If you cannot get any image working then may be worth trying a different SD card.

Sorry I was talking on the phone about my laser and piburn as typing this. I did it with the Pi OS image. I went into Raspberry Pi Imager and flashed it from that with Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-Bit)

Interesting. Then try a different SD card. Seems the Pi is not booting correctly.

How long have you waited after turning on the Pi? It could take a Pi3B a bit of time to boot.

i plug it in and wait for 5-10 minutes then try it but nothing.

I dont have any other cards so will have to orderdf new ones.

Yeah. That should be plenty of time.

Let us know how you carry on with new cards.

So I got it to where itll show up as a device to select after lightnurn bridge steps, but i cannot get lightburn bridge to show up as a wifi option to connect it.

Also, when i plug an hdmi cord into my bridge it doesnt do anything. It wont appear on my monitor or anything. I am unsure if maybe my pi isnt powered enough or something?

You mean at no time do you get anything on screen?

If you flash Pi OS do you get anything on screen? If not, there’s clearly something wrong. Either a hardware issue or possibly a power issue like you were saying.

Have you tried SSH-ing into the Pi?

It’s not clear to me what you’re describing here.

You’re saying it does not show up as an access point in your list of available networks?

You can avoid having to do that if you create a file called wifi.txt in the boot partition of the sd card.

Content of the file should look like this:


yeha nothing ever comes up on the screen or anything. I tried another plug as well and no go.

SSH-ing in i have no idea how to do to be honest with you.

I went to devices - lightburn bridge - then got to the screen where it searches for devices - it finds my device but i cant get the wifi to show lightburn bridge as a connection. I tried the txt file as well and it didnt do anything either.

I’m surprised it finds your device. Had you already connected to the Bridge access point and configured it to your wifi router? Or had you created a wifi.txt? If not, not sure how it would have been seen.

If you move your Pi4 to one of the non working machines, are you able to find it and connect?

First order of business, confirm that the controller works and confirm that the Pis are working. Again, I’d suggest running PiOS as it’s the most typical configuration.

Are you getting the exact same behavior on both the Pi3Bs?