I installed a camera and the image is fuzzy. There is not a ring around the lense to rotate, is there a screw to adjust. Below are three images i hope they upload, first post. Once this is resolved i do need to put a stop to create a reproducible stop for the loose fitting gas shocks on the hood.
Boss LS1630 Co2 laser 400mm x 750 mm
Camera Lightburn 5 megapixel (2592 x 1944) USB, mounted 31 inches above the focal point.
John, Thank you for the reply, I was capturing the image in lightburn and zooming in in lightburn, the camera is focused better than what I thought. My problem is that the laser doesn’t go to where i point the laser head. After going through the calibration and align steps for the camera, I then capture a new image, draw a circle in the middle of a calibration dot, then from the menu I click the set laser position icon and the laser indicator light misses the circle by 8-15mm depending on where I put the dot. I think I could be fighting the fact that the back of the work surface is very bright from LED lights leaving the front less bright. I could be creating a similar situation similar to a shadow through a contrasting brightness, see image. Do you think this is possible/ probable ? The second picture show an image and pulse fires immediately after alignment on a piece of paper. The group is offset to the lower right of the center. I completed five test fires where i opened the hood then closed the lid, captured a new image then centered on the cross and pulsed the laser. Four of the five are grouped semi close, the fifth one must have gone into the portion of the paper removed by the laser. I have reproducibility issues that i will tackle after i figure out the inaccurate alignment.
How large is your 4 point calibration target?
If you scale it up as close to the size of the bed that can help.
Often when the camera is mounted on the lid the soft-close gas lifts cause repeatability problems. Sometimes a known weight placed on the closed lid over the camera improves repeatability.