Please advise on a Lightburn camera for a Rayfine 6090 laser with the camera mounted 32inches above the bed. I would like the greatest coverage of the bed possible and the best resolution I can achieve with a Lightburn camera
Thank You
I went looking for your engraver by name and model number. I couldn’t find the definitive answer as to the size of the work area. Is it 60cm x 90cm?
There are still some supply side issues with cameras but the LightBurn website has a good overview and sizing guide.
I’m not ready to sign up for the highest resolution camera offered either. Race cars are built with the lightest weakest stuff that finishes a race. Personally, I want the lowest resolution that calibrates and informs the viewing area on my monitor. USB is bandwidth limited, noise limited and cable length limited. I feel a need to ask less of my camera.
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